Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Pibline different?
Pibline focuses on the following areas where many of our competitors do not:
– Our clients can import and manage all of their Pipeline data in one location themselves (Pibline is not required to assist with imports or exports);
– We overlay ILI data and NDE to highlight feature growth and provide feature trending allowing for precision rehabilitation decisions;
– Pibline Web provides big data analytics to allow Operators to look at the full life cycle of their Pipeline assets;
– Pibline Web is built so that it functions on any device any where (responsive design);
– Pibline Mobile offers a standardized field data collection (NDE) and management process that provides near real-time updates;
– Pibline Mobile works is touch enabled and tablet ready; and
– Pibline integrates with any Geospatial systems (PODS based) and so much more, these are just a few of our highlights.
How will Pibline's software benefit your company?
How will Pibline’s software benefit your company?
– Pibline offers one location to manage all Pipeline asset information: ILI history, NDE inspections, GIS, dig and pipeline photos, etc.;
– Pibline offers big data analytics to allow Operators the ability to make the most effective rehabilitation decisions;
– Pibline manages all integrity projects and tracks who knew what, when and records all rehabilitation decisions for compliance and asset life cycle management; and
– Pibline Web and Mobile seamlessly and automatic synchronize data between the office and field in near real time.
How does Pibline interoperate with other applications?
What are the technical requirements for Pibline Mobile?
– Pibline Mobile runs on Windows 7, 8 / 8.1 / 10 (the best experience is with a touch enabled device);
– Pibline Mobile requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later installed;
– Requires Microsoft SQL CE Runtime 4.x or newer;
– Requires DirectShow Compatible Camera (e.g. USB) Most tablets are already compatible;
– Minimum of 40 MB of free disc space for installation and storage; and
– Internet Access (either wifi or wireless).
Can Pibline Mobile run on an iPad?
At this time we have chosen to focus on the Microsoft Windows tablet platform in order to provide the most secure platform for our clients and their business partners.
Pibline Web will run on any Internet enabled device from Windows, Apple (iPhone and iPad), Android (tablets and phones).