Re-imagining Pipeline Integrity Data Management

Pibline is re-imagining how Pipeline Integrity data are managed and collected. We are creating the next evolution in Pipeline Integrity Management.

Inline Inspection Big Data Analytics

Pibline centralizes all Pipeline Integrity data from Inline Inspection (ILI) data to Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) data to all other sources and makes it available for Big Data Analytics. This allows Operators to see the “true” condition of their Pipeline assets.

Non-Destructive (NDE) Field Data Collection

Pibline’s mobile collector allows NDE technicians to capture the right field data and share it in near real time with Integrity Engineers to allow them to make the most informed rehabilitation decision possible with the best information.

Integrity Dig Project Management

Pibline offers both office and field staff with dynamic and automated workflows to streamline Project tasks in the most efficient manner.

What is Pibline?

Pibline brings all of your Pipeline Integrity data (ILI, NDE, GIS, etc.) together into one common platform. With Pibline, it’s easy to collect NDE field data and overlay it with ILI data to make faster, better, more informed decisions.  We offer a NDE Mobile Collection product and an Internet based Big Data Analytics engine designed exclusively for the Pipeline Industry.

Our Products

Pibline Web

Pibline Web

ILI Big Data Analytics

We offer unparalleled analysis of ILI inspection data by combining multiple run data sets.

Data Overlays

Pibline allows Operators to combine ILI, NDE and other data to determine feature growth and calculate safety factors.

Pibline Mobile

Pibline Mobile

Standardized Field Collection

Pibline standardizes how NDE technicians collect field data to ensure the right data are collected at the right time.

Automatic Synchronization

Pibline’s Mobile collector automatically synchronizes field data with Pibline Web to provide near real-time communications between field and office.

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We are the industry’s only pipeline integrity health record system


We are revolutionizing how pipeline integrity data management is performed!

Re-imagining data collection leads to new opportunities

The Pipeline Industry is mainly focused on Inline Inspection (ILI) data collection and reporting and a valuable opportunity is being missed. Pibline combines ILI and Non-Destructive (NDE) data to provide the Industry’s only complete Pipeline Health Record.