Our founders have come together to do something creative and re-imagine how technology assists the Pipeline Integrity Management (PIM) marketplace.
We are:
Cliff Cote, B.Sc. – Chief Technology Officer
Cliff is Pibline’s Chief Technical Architect with over 20+ years in senior IT architecture roles where he has specialized in infrastructure and developing mobile / web based software products. Pibline is Cliff’s third software start up and he brings a wealth of software industry experience to the table.
Rod Schatz, M.Sc. – Chief Executive Officer
Rod is the glue that binds the technical team and business team together to deliver upon the Pibline vision. Rod has 18+ years IT experience with 10+ years in senior IT management roles with experience taking software products to market including asset management (2nd start up). Rod has extensive experience (9+ years) building and designing infrastructure asset management solutions to optimize an asset’s full life cycle.